Chez les plus riches des plus riches, le niveau d’imposition est insignifiant, Libération, 01/2023.
Government Redistribution and Development: A Global Perspective on Taxes, Transfers, and Inequality, VoxEU, 2023.
The US-EU Gap: Predistribution Plays a Key Role in Moderating Income Inequality, LSE Business Review, 2022.
Radical Right Voting and the New Dividing Lines of French Politics, Agenda Pública, 19/04/2022. [Spanish version]
South Africa: How extreme inequality persists, Culturico, 15/02/2022.
Forty years of inequality in Europe: Evidence from distributional national accounts (with T. Blanchet & L. Chancel), VoxEU.
Taxing wealth in a context of extreme inequality legacy: The case of South Africa (with A. Chatterjee & L. Czajka), VoxEU.
Wealth tax: perspectives in a post-pandemic world, International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth, 10/02/2022.
Clivajes políticos y desigualdad en Francia: ¿voto de clase, populismo o elitismo?, Agenda Pública, 29/05/2021.
Clivajes políticos en España: la edad divide más que la renta o la educación, Agenda Pública, 20/04/2021.
Is a wealth tax in South Africa really a bad idea? (with A. Chatterjee & L. Czajka), Business Maverick, 31/01/2021.
Coronavirus: Why South Africa Needs a Wealth Tax Now (with A. Chatterjee & L. Czajka), The Conversation, 28/04/2020.
Why US Inequality Is Higher Than Europe’s (with T. Blanchet & L. Chancel), Project Syndicate, 12/11/2019.
A quem interessa aumentar a desigualdade? (with T. Piketty, P. Zahluth Bastos, M. Morgan), Valor Econômico, 11/07/2019.
How did Europe do on SDG 10.1? (with T. Blanchet & L. Chancel), United Nations Development Programme, 23/05/2019.
Thailand’s democratic foundations remain weak (with T. Jenmana), Bangkok Post, 06/04/2019.
Changement des clivages politiques dans 21 démocraties occidentales, Paris School of Economics, 10/2024.
Fiscalité : un outil d’efficacité économique ou de justice sociale ?, France 24, 03/2022.
Inequality in South Africa: origins and solutions, World Inequality Lab, 06/2022.
How Culture War Kills Class Politics, Breaking Points, 12/2021.
Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities, Democracy Nerd, 12/2021.
Political Cleavages, Inequality, and Party Systems in 50 Democracies, Democracy Paradox, 11/2021.
Dans un système d’élites multiples, les électeurs défavorisés se sentent exclus, Libération, 05/2021.
Débat de l’égalité: Présentation de Clivages Politiques et Inégalités Sociales, World Inequality Lab, 04/2021.
Proposed wealth tax to assist with fiscal sustainability, SABC News, 01/2021.
Classe média espremida pesou na eleição (with M. Morgan), Valor Econômico, 11/2019.
Europe : 40 ans d’inégalités de revenus, France 24, 04/2019.
България е сред страните с най-голямо неравенство в доходите, Bulgarian National Radio, 04/2019.
The Problem With America’s Protest Feedback Loop, The Atlantic, 05/2024.
Why Are Young People Deserting Conservatism in Britain but Nowhere Else?, Financial Times, 02/2024.
Why Africa is One of the Most Unequal Continents in the World, The Economist, 04/2023.
Taking Back Left Parties From the Brahmins, Jacobin, 12/2022.
Brazil’s Middle Class Isn’t Buying What Lula’s Selling, The Washington Post, 10/2022.
Francia: La izquierda ante el riesgo de la irrelevancia en las presidenciales, La Tercera, 01/2022.
Soziale Ungleichheit : Ideen gegen die Ungleichheit, Die Zeit, 01/2022.
Izquierda Brahmán vs. Derecha Mercader: Divisiones Políticas y Desigualdades Sociales, Nada es Gratis, 11/2021.
Comment les partis de gauche sont devenus des “partis de diplômés”, Germinal, 11/2021.
Not so black and white: Unpicking inequality in South Africa, The Economist, 09/2021.
South Africa Wealth Gap Unchanged Since Apartheid, Time, 08/2021.
How politics became a contest dominated by two kinds of elite (with Martínez-Toledano & Piketty), The Guardian, 08/2021.
Educated voters’ leftward shift is surprisingly old, The Economist, 05/2021.
Pourquoi les pauvres votent-ils à droite ?, Le Monde, 05/2021.
La gauche est-elle vraiment devenue le camp des « élites diplômées » ?, Usbek & Rica, 06/2021.
Les classes sociales de moins en moins présentes dans les urnes, La Montagne, 05/2021.
15% of South Africa’s wealth is in the hands of just 3,500 people, GroundUp, 03/2020.
El aumento de la desigualdad en España impulsa la inestabilidad política y el factor territorial, Expansión, 05/2019.
La derecha atrae a cada vez más votantes con menores rentas y nivel educativo, El Diario, 05/2019.
Inégalités : les écarts de revenus ont augmenté partout en Europe, Le Monde, 04/2019.
France, Europe : la vérité sur les inégalités, LCI, 04/2019.
Seit 40 Jahren wachsen die Top-Einkommen doppelt so schnell wie die unteren, Kontrast, 04/2019.
Heurs et malheurs de la gauche éduquée, Le Monde, 03/2019.
Polls still all about caste and religion, Economic Times, 03/2019.